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Showing posts from January, 2019

Email clients review 2019

After recent Thunderbird update (v60) which screwed HTML composing even more, to unusable state, I decided to review alternative Windows desktop email clients to replace it. Once again. I have an intention to replace Thunderbird for a long time but there are no real competitors. Does something change in 2019 ? Thunderbird Let's review Thunderbird itself first to use it as a base for comparison: Pros: + It has everything modern email client has to have + If it doesn't have something you can extend it with numerous add-ons + Embedded calendar add-on with support of external calendars (Google, ical) + Support of external contact books (Google) Cons: - The only major flaw is its HTML editor. It was not ok previously but they made it even worse in version 60. Verdict: Everything is ok but, damn, is it possible to incorporate some decent HTML editor in it? Outlook The obvious choice is Outlook, the mos...