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Free issue and bug tracking online services review

To fulfill previous post I want to provide my research on free online issue and bug tracking systems available on the Internet. Surprisingly there are very few of them matching my criteria: 5 users minimum, 10000 tickets minimum, closed for public. Here they are:
  • The only totally free & unlimited is It has limited functionality and funny UI but has no users nor projects limitations. My choice #1 for not complex projects.
  • offers 10000 messages/5 users/100Mb-limited complex integrated project tracking system. It has a lot of custom views and reports such as FAQ, Forum, Feedback zone, Knowledge base. I would recommend it for complex but not huge projects.
  • And the last one I want to mention is It provides simple tracker for 5 persons with 5Mb attachments storage and nice interface. It may be used for small simple projects.


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